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Writer's pictureSteve Kozak

You Need Great Blog Content For Every Business. Here's How To Get Started.

Writing blogs is about sharing valuable content. But how you share that content is just as important. Once upon a time, it was about sharing what's on your mind, something creative or fun. Times have changed. Take a moment and think about what the results look like when you search for a particular topic. The vast majority are what? Blogs. If you want to know the five best internet options, the best restaurants in town, how your team did last night, or which movie to watch this weekend. Chances are you're going to read a blog.

This means that if you run a business and have a website, you need some kind of blog space. Why? Because these little spaces are about being engaged in conversations in your industry. Blogs can drive traffic to your website, are a huge help in SEO (Search Engine Optimization), and can set you apart in how you view a particular topic and help your potential customers see you as a resource for help--not just someone trying to sell you stuff.

You may have heard that blogs should be short, sweet, and simple.

That's only sort of true.

Girl blogging

After all, our attention spans suck. Most of us seem to be struggling with some form of ADHD. And besides, if you're a business owner, the last thing you have time for is sitting down at a computer and staring at a blank screen, just hoping you can dream up some crafty content that will wow the internet.

Short wins. But it's not that simple. It's a little odd, but believe it or not, Google likes long-form articles. When Google looks over your site, it's looking to see if your words are worth reading. So, while a quick 600-word post is easier, heck, it could even be AI-generated. Just keep in mind that AI is limited, and everyone (and I mean everyone) can tell (more on AI nonsense in another post). You still want to think about creating what is called a pillar content page. It's kind of like a foundation for the rest of the expertise you offer--a post that's closer to 1500 to 2000 words.

I know that sounds like a lot, and a lot can go into it, but let me provide you with just a small bite-sized piece of info--a few key things to remember as you begin to create your amazing content.

Blog Content Should Favor Depth Over Brevity

Search engines love depth. Long-form content covers topics exhaustively, signaling to search engines that you’re an authority worth listening to. That doesn't mean using a lot of words for the sake of filling space. That's just nonsense; everyone will see right through it, and no one will like you. And who wants that?

Instead, provide critical insight, a new perspective, or a different opinion. Google (and your customers) want to see that your page offers something new and is authoritative on the subject. Sticking to short AI-generated drivel will only annoy everyone. And I mean everyone. Humans and machines. So don't do it.

Besides, as you go deep, you can set yourself up for more content. You'll start to see topics rise to the surface that you can write on later.

Make Sure Your Blogs Use Keyword Richness

With more words comes more opportunities to weave in those precious keywords without stuffing them.

SEO Keywords

Understanding keywords and keyword phrases is a bit of an art form. And I'll expand on this in a future post (see what I did there? More content). But in the meantime, just remember to write about what your customers are asking. Spend some time searching as if you were the customer. What did you find? What topics are out there? Then, direct your content in a similar direction.

Now, you may have heard of something called keyword stuffing. You might have heard that you should stuff your posts full of keywords and links, regardless of their relevance. Please, for the love of all things holy, don't do it. Google will consider you to be a total moron and won't rank your content. It's a lazy way of trying to go "viral." Which is never the point. Serve your people.

Where Blog Content and Engagement Metrics Meet

Longer content keeps readers hooked and on your page for more time, which search engines interpret as a thumbs-up for your content’s quality. This is especially true if you have engaging content. You can't fear spending time and money on good content. Don't you dare try a site like Upwork to hire someone to write you a blog for $25. You only get $25 worth of content. Which, of course, will be total crap.

The point of creating great long-form blog content is twofold. First, to inform and drive the conversation around the product or service you provide. But the second is just as, or maybe more, important. Drive engagement. When you do, you generate more leads, and more leads create more sales.

Long-Form Blog Content Provides a Backlink Bonanza

In-depth articles are backlink goldmines. They’re the gift that keeps on giving in the SEO world. The rest of your content should point back to your pillar post, and all your other blogs should refer back to each other. Doing this helps Google to see your site as an intricate library of great resources for visitors.

There is a key difference between internal and external links, which we will tackle in a later post (see, I did it again. And once I get that post completed, I'll change this paragraph to add that).

So there you have it—time to get started. Don't quite know how? Hate writing? No problem. Reach out to us; we are eager to partner up and help get you started, do it all for you, or just look at what you have already created and give you feedback and suggestions.

So let us know how we can help.

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